EPLOPE Jumble Answer

Welcome! Here you will find the answer to EPLOPE Daily Jumble Answer! Daily Jumble is one of the most successful games on the web worldwide. Everyday the game is updated with challenging puzzles of which you can find answers to on our site! This daily jumble has 6 letters. You can find the answer below.




  • n. - The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation.
  • n. - Persons, generally; an indefinite number of men and women; folks; population, or part of population; as, country people; -- sometimes used as an indefinite subject or verb, like on in French, and man in German; as, people in adversity.
  • n. - The mass of comunity as distinguished from a special class; the commonalty; the populace; the vulgar; the common crowd; as, nobles and people.
  • n. - One's ancestors or family; kindred; relations; as, my people were English.
  • n. - One's subjects; fellow citizens; companions; followers.
  • v. t. - To stock with people or inhabitants; to fill as with people; to populate.

Syllable Information

The word PEOPLE is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable. The syllable division for PEOPLE is: peo-ple

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